Christmas Eve - Father Christmas has just delivered his gifts. A small fire in the little house sends a few wisps of smoke into the night air as St. Nicholas walks on to the next house, his feet squeeking in the frozen snow leaving shallow footseps for the chidlren to wonder about in the morning.

Extremely fine details are found throughout this unique piece of glass art. Finely formed footsteps, the trace of smoke curling above the chimney, the thin lines in the snow as his heavy coat brushes the ground, Father Christmas' face with intricate eyes, eybrows and beard, and the lovely wreath and icicles on the house all underline the artistry in this unique panel.

Image ID:IMG0136 Function:Panel
Status:Special Order Location:Durham, NC
Price:$0.00 Dimensions:8-1/2 in x 8-1/2 in
Date Created: 12/10/2002 Weight:1.5 lbs

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